Most Recommended
Welcome to the Fit Women Over 40 Resources section, a curated list of the tools and websites I strongly recommend for learning and excelling at whatever your strength and fitness goals might be. I have tested every recommendation on this page.
Before digging into the awesome resources I know and trust, an important disclosure:
Some of the links below are affiliate links, which means that if you choose to make a purchase, I will earn a commission. This commission comes at no additional cost to you. Please understand that I have experience with all of these companies, and I recommend them because they are helpful and useful, not because of the small commissions I make if you decide to buy something. Please do not spend any money on these products unless you feel you need them or that they will help you achieve your goals.
Who Are All These Phenomenal Women?!
In Feb of 2018, we asked the Fit Women Over 40 Private Facebook Group a series of 10 questions to find out more about Who Are All These Phenomenal Women in our group. We received over 500 responses and we’d like to share the results.
AS A GROUP, the AVERAGE number of years:
• you’ve been strength training is for 9 years,
• 55% of you work out 2-4 days/week training
• 51% mostly with free weights or weight machines for resistance training.
Your level of strength or weight training:
51% I lift weights several times at week and I’m working towards some concrete goals.
22% I use weight machines and some free weights at my gym or at home, but I don’t have much direction or a plan.
9% I’m a certified trainer or fitness professional.
5% I compete in bodybuilding, physique bikini fitness, body transformation, powerlifting, CrossFit etc.
5% Other
4% I’ve taken a strength or weight training class or two.
4% I’m a total beginner, never lifted a weight before in my life.
What your training routine includes:
83% Free weights:
76% Hand-held weights:
“I plan to keep up on what I am doing, no fixed goal as I just know I will be doing this for as long as I can, probably till the day I die if my body allows me…”
Your experience working with a physical trainer or as a trainer?
Are you currently on a specific eating plan?
What are some of your fitness and health goals for 2018?
NEXT: The number one reason you lift weights or do strength training?