
Most Recommended


Welcome to the Fit Women Over 40 Resources section, a curated list of the tools and websites I strongly recommend for learning and excelling at whatever your strength and fitness goals might be.  I have tested every recommendation on this page.

Before digging into the awesome resources I know and trust, an important disclosure:

Some of the links below are affiliate links, which means that if you choose to make a purchase, I will earn a commission. This commission comes at no additional cost to you. Please understand that I have experience with all of these companies, and I recommend them because they are helpful and useful, not because of the small commissions I make if you decide to buy something. Please do not spend any money on these products unless you feel you need them or that they will help you achieve your goals.

Who Are All These Phenomenal Women?!

In Feb of 2018, we asked the Fit Women Over 40 Private Facebook Group a series of 10 questions to find out more about Who Are All These Phenomenal Women in our group. We received over 500 responses and we’d like to share the results.

AS A GROUP, the AVERAGE number of years:

you’ve been strength training is for 9 years,

• 55% of you work out 2-4 days/week training

• 51% mostly with free weights  or weight machines for resistance training.

Your level of strength or weight training:

51%      I lift weights several times at week and I’m working towards some concrete goals. 
22%      I use weight machines and some free weights at my gym or at home, but I don’t have much direction or a plan.
9%        I’m a certified trainer or fitness professional.
5%        I compete in bodybuilding, physique bikini fitness, body transformation, powerlifting, CrossFit etc.
5%        Other
4%        I’ve taken a strength or weight training class or two.
4%        I’m a total beginner, never lifted a weight before in my life.

What your training routine includes:

83%      Free weights:                                                                             
76%      Hand-held weights:                                                                 

55%      Body weight exercises, (yoga or pilates)
53%      Cardio sports such as running, swimming or biking
52%      Resistance bands or balls:
39%      Circuit weight machines:
21%      TRX training:
15%       Bodybuilding:
6%         Fitness competitions:
3%         Competitive sports as tennis, squash or basketball:
25%       Other

“I plan to keep up on what I am doing, no fixed goal as I just know I will be doing this for as long as I can, probably till the day I die if my body allows me…”

Your experience working with a physical trainer or as a trainer?

34%      I’ve never worked with a trainer   
26%      I am currently working with a trainer.
8%        I want to work with a trainer
5%        I am a trainer or coach with a product line
2%        I’m training for competition as a goal in 2018
2%        I am studying to become a trainer.
24%      Other

Are you currently on a specific eating plan?

34%    NO PLAN
19%    Other
15%    Macros
10%    LCHP ( Low Carbohydrate High Protein )
6%      Keto
6%      IFYM ( If It Fits Your Macros )
5%      Intermittent fasting
3%      Paleo
3%      Traditional FDA guidelines

What are some of your fitness and health goals for 2018?

I want to regain my competitive spirit and enter some races.
I’d like to tone up with muscle definition, lose inches & cellulite, firm up breasts.
Get stronger, lose weight (40lbs). Be able to run 5k without stopping…
Lose a few pounds of fat and build muscle definition.
Be Fit, Be Healthy, Be Happy
To compete again in Figure in March this year, after that I want to work on my relationship with food.
Just turned 50 and my goal is to get in the best physical shape I have ever been.
Get in 5 30 minute workouts per week. Eat two veggies per day (I don’t like many veggies).
Be able to do 5 pushups on my toes in a row.
To gain muscle, reduce fat. Gain flexibility. And get in the best condition possible.
My goals include decreasing body fat, building more muscle, and becoming stronger and keep my weight down
Pro-card in Figure! 
Lose 10% fat and gain muscle quality through strength training.
Achieve 18% body fat. Maintain this but build muscles (bottom and legs). Have the best body I ever had.
Being consistent with food, tracking macros, prepping meals is the main focus for 2018
Eat cleaner, build my strength and flexibility.
Lose 10 pounds of fat and replace with muscle.
To lose the extra weight I gained this last 3 years…was dealing with stressful work and some medical scare/issues. Now, I am clear of everything, I am bringing my sexy back ??
Loose 2 stone in weight, reduce my BMI, go down a dress size, improve my flexibility and strength. Combat my menopausal issues.
Deadlift 200#, squat 150#, bench 120#
I started for stamina to keep up with my child, then liked the results so went for transformation, now I’ve made my goal definition. I want abs and a great booty!
Complete Spartan Obstacle Course Race’s Trifecta. Become more comfortable with gymnastic movements in CrossFit.
Make 2018 the best year ever!
To lose 10-15 pounds and gain additional upper body strength.
My goal is to continue to strength train to lose inches & add the Nutrition part in 2018 to lose 10 pounds
Cut body fat
My goal is to compete in a bodybuilding competition again this year. Also just to continue to stay healthy.
Be consistent; and eat better.
I have signed up for 3 triathlons including 2 Olympic distances and 1 half iron man distance. And of course to keep on strength training.
To get a six-pack ab at the age of 62.
Love to lose 5-10 pounds and continue to tone up. Almost 60 years old and can’t believe that.
I want a flat core. More muscle in upper body. Maybe a chin up
To do an unassisted pull up and lose a further 2kg but build muscle in the process.
Weight loss, more energy, fight aging, be strong
To get back into feeling and being fit and athletic again like I was in 2015 and to continue challenging myself to be a better me.
Developing my thighs especially the gluts and hamstring clean bulking competing as figure in November 2018
Become stronger, increase my endurance, gain muscle and lose 15 lbs
Drop some body fat to see more of them muscles I’ve been working hard to gain!
Lose fat. Gain muscle & flexibility. Encourage husband to do the same 
To lose body fat% and hopefully compete
To stay consistent at the gym, keep eating healthy, continue building muscle.
Build strength and increase flexibility. Continue to lose body fat and build muscle through keto, weight training, and yoga.
Lean out and get ripped. Build more muscle. Clean up the diet.
Complete carb cycling through January. Shred, tone and integrate the recent diet tweaks into my permanent lifestyle.
Lose weight, learn new things i.e. I’m getting older and my body is changing so I need to change my workouts/eating habits.
I want to begin weight training.
Lose fat. Build muscle. Run half marathon. Swim again.Flat belly!!
Build more muscle, complete all OCR races I haven’t done. Get more boxing training in
To lose the last 10 lbs of fat that I’d like to lose and to gain about 10 lbs of muscle. To be fit, healthy and strong!
Lose 20-30 pounds. Make yoga a part of my fitness routine. Work on flexibility. Increase strength and flexibility in lower body. Start lifting weights
I am planning on an adventure race – wilderness orienteering with 1 leg hiking/running/bush whacking, 1 leg mountain biking, 1 leg kayaking if my adrenals are up to it.
I would like to get more lower body shape and lose some fat too. Not for competition, just for vanity:-)
I bulked for the first time at 40 yrs old, in 2017. I planning to continue lifting heavy and cut this year.
To gain muscle and in time compete in powerlifting.
Drop body fat into teens, develop muscle, build base to compete in figure in the future
I have some OMR goals at the gym. I am still working on leaning down but definitely looking at strength and physique goals.
Continue to refine my lifestyle so that diet becomes less of an issue. Working out 3-4 days per week consistently.
Lose those belly inches and rediscover my abs. Dropping 10 lbs would be a bonus.
First Olympic weightlifting competition and compete in my 2nd bodybuilding comp and not place last
Ideal weight by Christmas 2018 Stronger / toner than ever before Less joint & back pain
To continue my journey of fitness and health.To become stronger and more defined.
To stay in my Keto lifestyle and inspire others to make themselves a priority. We are worth it!
Increase my strength using the Wendler 5.3.1 programme. Introduce gymnastics and weightlifting into my routine.
I want to be able to do a pull up. I want to see more definition in my muscles.
Definition for glutes and legs! Strengthen back!
To see definition and understand how to eat right to achieve my goals. I feel like I’m just a hamster on a wheel at times and living on a small Island makes it difficult to get direction and guidance.
To become stronger, and increase my level of rock climbing. Be able to do an unassisted pull up.
Continue strength training to further develop and define muscles. Working hard to get a booty! 
To be leaner and stronger, to stay in control of my diet. To look like I could kick your butt!
Get blood sugar under control and lose the belly!
Gain muscle, mainly in shoulders and glutes, maintain current level of leanness (about 19% bf), teach my kids the basic human movements.
To be at a healthy weight, continue to eat healthy (even through the holidays), watch my caloric intake, maintain portion control, and to not be so strict with myself (i.e. it’s okay if I miss a workout, I don’t eat well one day, etc.).
Body composition improvements (lose inches in waist), consistent doubleunders and consistent multiple reps unassisted pull ups, PR this year over last on major 1 rep max barbell movements.
Compete in Spartan. Fitness and health and abundant energy.
Lose weight and make this a lifestyle of looking and feeling fit.
Climbing five mountains. Do another 50 miler.
First quarter: hit 300 kilos in BP/S/DL Lose 5 kilos. Start pole fitness training.
Compete power lifting
Push myself harder. Would like to increase my weekly running distance again and incorporate a set plan for lifting light weights/circuit training.
Lose body fat to low 20’s then work on building muscle to raise my resting metabolism.
Hike up to the 1,000 mile marker on Appalachian Trail this summer. Foam roll more consistently.
Keep lifestyle active and eat healthy.
I want my abs back!

NEXT: The number one reason you lift weights or do strength training?

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