Paleo Challenge… I won’t starve to death will I?

Paleo Challenge… I won’t starve to death will I?

My Cross Fit Trainer has this to say in answer to this question…“Many are so wedded to their current ways that they will disparage it because it is so threatening to the current prevailing ethos (“everything is okay in moderation,” “people just eat too damn much”, etc.). There is no caloric restriction built into the diet. None.

The Paleo Cookbooks – Complete Recipe Guide to Healthy Eating>>

“You eat until you are completely satisfied and snack at your own discretion and are pretty much never fiendishly hungry unless you miss a meal. We only regulate the content of your diet, not the quantity, because your body has an amazing hormonal system that takes care of the caloric details for us already (and has been doing so for millenia before anyone even knew what a “calorie” was). It’s the difference between burning fat for fuel (practically unlimited supply of energy, only small changes in energy levels) and burning sugar for fuel (very limited supply, large swings in energy levels (“sugar highs/crashes”). You will not need to murder anyone for a cookie because the new way you will experience “hunger” will not be so debilitating.”

Paleo Fat Blast Meal Plans
A full 6 weeks of delicious and easy to follow paleo-friendly meal plans for Men and Women. Take the boredom and hassle out of eating healthy-for good! Click Here for 6 weeks of Paleo Meal Plans

He goes onto say…:
“I have never heard of or read about any case of a person who was not at least mildly successful when they followed it for any good length of time and, generally, the longer and more diligently people follow it, the more drastic and profoundly life-altering their experience.”

“Consider this: I was already pretty close to my own ideal weight and current fitness level when I started doing Paleo at the beginning of this year, and even so my own experience has been like achieving enlightenment, physically and mentally. You will feel better. You will perform better in class and in life. You will get sick less often.

You will find that “little thing” that’s been nagging you for months all of a sudden goes away. Your libido will all of a sudden increase ;). You will become happier because it’s like you’ve solved the riddle of the sphinx and can now focus your efforts on other productive aspects of your life. I kid you not. The experience is so multi-faceted that it’s almost futile to try to capture it in words, which is why this little 25 day exposure will be so amazing for everyone who gives it an honest try.

Also, get the book because that will answer a lot of the common questions and concerns.

The Paleo Cookbooks – Complete Recipe Guide to Healthy Eating>>

Paleo Pumpkin Pie

Paleo Pumpkin Pie

Everyday Paleo Pumpkin Pie

1/2 cup hazelnuts
1 cup pecans
4 tablespoons melted organic grass fed butter
pinch of sea salt

Preheat oven to 350. Place the nuts in a food processor and process until the nuts are a flour like or almond meal like consistency. Pour into a small mixing bowl, add the butter and salt and mix into a thick dough. Using your hands, spread evenly into a pie pan and back for 10 minutes.

1 – 14oz can of organic pumpkin puree or fresh pumpkin
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
1/4 teaspoon fresh grated ginger
2 eggs
1/2 cup raw organic honey
1/2 cup coconut milk

While the crust is in the oven, whisk all of the pie filling ingredients together. Pour into the crust that has been baked for 10 minutes, return to the oven and bake for and additional 45 minutes.

Paleo Stuffing

Paleo Stuffing with Italian Chicken Sausage & Sweet Potaoes

Paleo Stuffing

1 lb mild Italian pork or chicken sausage, casing removed
4 ½ cups mushrooms, diced
1 medium yellow onion, diced
6 celery stalks, diced
4 carrots, diced
1/2 cup chicken broth
1 tablespoon diced fresh sage
½ tsp minced fresh thyme leaves
½ cup dried cherries, finely chopped
½ cup slivered almonds
½ tablespoon garlic powder
4 tablespoons olive oil
Sea salt and black pepper to taste

Preheat oven to 350. In a large soup pot, sauté onions in olive oil until translucent. Add the sausage and brown. Add the carrots, celery, mushrooms, chicken broth, cherries, almonds, sage, thyme, garlic powder, salt and pepper. Mix well, bring to a simmer, and cook for 5-10 minutes or until the veggies begin to absorb the chicken broth. Transfer to a large glass baking dish, cover tightly with aluminum foil and bake at 350 for 45 minutes.

Paleo Fat Blast Meal Plans

Paleo Fat Blast Meal Plans

Robb Wolf’s 30 Day Total Transformation
Do you want to…Lose weight? Feel better? Have more energy? Reduce inflammation and pain? Reverse diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, lupus, autism, diabetes, and obesity? Look, feel, and perform at your best ever?
Get your 60-page Guide for just $25
Robb Wolf’s 30 Day Total Transformation – Interactive eBook Guide

Need more ideas for Cooking Healthy Meals, then check out: The Healthy Urban Kitchen Cookbook The Healthy Urban Kitchen is a simple, step by step system for shopping, cooking and eating the world’s healthiest foods. It was created for busy people who want to improve health, have more energy, and prevent disease.

The End of Overeating: Sugar, Fat & Salt

The End of Overeating: Sugar, Fat & Salt

The End of Overeating: Sugar, Fat & Salt
A Book Review

There is a new book out called: The End of Overeating: Taking Control of the Insatiable American Appetite by David Kessler, MD

David Kessler is a former FDA commissioner who reinvented the food label and tackled the tobacco industry, and now has taken on the food industry. He explains how the food industry has hijacked our brains into overeating when we consume foods that contain sugar, fat & salt. He goes on to say that since the 1980’s the food industry has created products that stimulate our appetites into a cycle of desire and over consumption. He explains why its difficult for people to resist certain foods and why its so easy to over consume.

Millions of people struggling with weight loss, are having their brains manipulated by everything from brand advertisers to fast food super sizes, to chain restaurant foods filled with sugar, fats and salt.

He says that the food industry has been remarkably successful at designing foods to capture the attention of people who have lost control of their eating habits and are totally at the mercy of food. Food designers, food manufacturers and restaurants all understand that sugar, fat & salt added to foods makes a juicy meal that many people simply can’t resist. There’s not a short of people who lack control around such targeted foods and not all of them are overweight. Many people don’t have eating disorders that we’ve all heard about, but for a lot of these people food and eating and over indulging is never far from their minds.

For thousands of years, our bodies were the perfect biological systems, then in the 1980’s, something happened. A senior researcher at the Center for Disease Control noticed an alarming trend. She found through a government survey on health and nutritional status that the number of people who were overweight had spiked dramatically. What had caused this phenomenon? Well by the 1980’s we had larger portion sizes, more chain restaurants, and convienence stores and a culture that promoted going out to eat. But he says that still didn’t answer the question of why we overeat?

Those people that can’t stop eating literally spend billions of dollars a year trying to find a cure to their weight loss. Those in search of a weight loss formula are wasting most of their money for a short weight loss cure that they hope will last. We all know that it basicly comes down to people get fat because they eat more than people who are lean. Apparently some people are still denying this or are confused about it, but we have strong evidence to prove that this is true.

Here is what the food industry knows and doesn’t tell you. “Higher sugar, fat, and salt make you want to eat more”, says a high-level food industry executive who didn’t want to be named. They make it indulgent and hedonistic so that it has a high pleasure value. Restaurants where Americans spend 50% of their food dollars have introduced countless new foods with high hedonistic values. Everything from Potato skins to Cheese fries, a high fat food with more fat layered on top of it, to Buffalo wings, the fatty part of chicken which are then deep fried and served with a sweet dipping sauce that’s heavily salted. Chicken tenders are the worst because I know many Mom’s gives their kids these “unidentified fried object”, loaded with batter and fat and then fried with salt and sugar added. And the list goes on and on.

Dr. Kessler observes that the food industry is “the manipulator of the consumers’ minds and desires.”

To order this book: The End of Overeating: Taking Control of the Insatiable American Appetite by David Kessler, MD

Need more ideas for Cooking Healthy Meals, then check out: The Healthy Urban Kitchen Cookbook The Healthy Urban Kitchen is a simple, step by step system for shopping, cooking and eating the world’s healthiest foods. It was created for busy people who want to improve health, have more energy, and prevent disease.

Be Thankful, Buy Local & Consume Less

Be Thankful, Buy Local & Consume Less


Bourbon Red Heritage Turkey

Back in the day, around 1621 to be exact, it has been estimated that the Pilgrims ate about 550 calories per person on Thanksgiving Day. Today the average person will consume about 2,000-to-3,000-calories for their turkey meal. Even though food was scarce, the Pilgrims ate locally and consumed less out of necessity. In most places in the United States, your meals come pre-packaged, prepared and sitting on store shelves waiting for consumers. You have a choice in what you buy, where you buy it and what you eat and what you throw away. Just in the United States alone our agri-business companies produce so much food that we waste 40 percent of it. That’s almost $100 billion worth a year.

On Black Friday ( which starts on thursday, Thanksgiving Day this year, in case you didn’t notice all the ads telling you this) is the ultimate push to consume more and more stuff…..The New Oxford American Dictionary defines Black (adj.): characterized by tragic or disastrous events; causing despair.

They tell us that Consumption makes the economy work. But in this day and age, Over Consumption seems to be the norm.

Try adding a few of these things to your holiday festivities:

1. Be Thankful, really. Write your Gratitude List and share it at the dinner table.


2. Do your exercise routine in the morning, you know you will never have time later. 


Do it for 15 minutes which is 5 rounds of each exercise and when you’re done your breathing hard and feeling good. 


3. Buy Local. Buy Free Range Organic if you can. Shop at Farmer’s markets and small local groceries. 


4. Consume Less. Learn about Intermittent Fasting 


5. Eat til you are 2/3’s full, we all know how food has a way of expanding in our stomachs.


 6. Drink a big glass of water before your meal.

7. Try making some Keto Sweets this year. 

8.. Consume alcohol early in the evening and then stop.Much of the problem with drinking is not the alcohol but the sugar that comes with it. A “typical” margarita or vodka & tonic would be loaded with sugar. Beer is loaded with gluten and has a significant sugar content. As for wine, opt for the dry varieties as they have less sugar.

If you must drink, imbibe earlier in the evening as far away from bedtime as possible. Alcohol turns off your growth hormone release which is Not good for your health, recovery or body composition. So if you are wondering why your fat reducing is not working cut out drinking for a month and see what happens.

9. Have some Chocolate for dessert, because we can’t give up all our vices now can we? 

Tips for Effective Core Training

Tips for Effective Core Training

Are you sure that you are getting everything you can out of your core routine? With all of the new developments in core training, it’s difficult to keep up with the latest and most effective tools and techniques. Though the core has become a mainstream concept, most exercisers have a clouded view of what exactly the core consists of, its importance and what the best ways are to activate it.

The core includes the following muscles: Transverse Abdominis, Rectus Abdominis, Multifidus, External Obliques, Internal Obliques, Quadratus Lumborum and Erector Spinae. It provides a stable platform which launches all of our movement by stabilizing the spine. The core generates the rotational forces needed for many athletic movements including throwing, swinging, striking and twisting. It acts to resist or neutralize external forces such as gravity, contact or momentum. We are only as strong as our core. A weak core limits our strength capacity.

Four Tools to add to your Core Training Routine

Core training

TRX Suspension Trainer
The TRX® is one of the most innovative additions to core training in recent years. It’s a non-elastic, adjustable harness constructed of industrial-strength, nylon webbing which uses bodyweight as the sole source of variable resistance. The TRX allows for hundreds of exercises that can accommodate all fitness levels. It integrates the core’s postural, stabilizer and neutralizer components in all of its exercises and the addition of the suspended planks, crunches and oblique capabilities make it one of the most effective tools on the market. TRX training kit

Ex Navy Seal, Randy Hetrick of Fitness Anywhere, in San Francisco’s Russian Hill developed his prototype for his TRX Suspension Trainer out of necessity. As a special ops squadron commander, he needed a way to keep his team in world-class shape without having access to world-class gyms. So he bought a $49 sewing machine & using some parachute webbing and began stitching away. The rest is history. Since hitting the market in 2005, the portable straps have recorded more than $20 million in sales. TRX training kit Fitness Anywhere has been ranked by Outside Magazine as one of the top 30 places to work in the United States this year.

Stability Ball
The stability ball creates an unstable environment that requires more work from the core. Simple yet demanding, the stability ball can be used to add challenge to many exercises and modify others.

Heavy BallHeavy Ball
Most modern heavy balls are constructed of a textured rubber that is mad to bounce. Heavy balls are the perfect exercise tool when training the core to control external forces, to stabilize the body while applying internal forces, and when working at higher speeds.

Thera-Band Stability TrainerBalance Devices
Balance devices come in all shapes and sizes: wobble boards, balance discs, Bosu balls, Bongo boards and foam balance surfaces. They all destabilize the surface using a base of support in one way or another, making the core more responsive. A word of caution: Always evaluate possible danger versus potential benefit before attempting any exercise that destabilizes your base of support.

TRX Suspension Training: Deck the home gym.

I am a grandma & everyone thinks I am her mom instead…

I am a grandma & everyone thinks I am her mom instead…

Danielle’s fabulous story of courage and transformation….

danielle-become-an-after“I gained weight after being in an abusive marriage. .I turned to food 4 comfort…I went to the doctor& they said I was morbidly obese & knew I had to take my life back for my kids..I had 2 little divorced & lost the weight..went from size 18 to a zero & have kept it off for 16 yrs..I am a fitness instructor/ personal trainer & nutritionist so I can help change people lives..I love what I do..I am a grandma & everyone thinks I am her mom instead..

I am truly blessed.”
– Danielle Dungen