What should you believe these days when everywhere you look there are contradictions in every nutrition & health book and article you read? Your Mom tells you one thing, your friend tells you another & then you read something else in a health magazine. Most advice these days seems to just contradict the other.
From your own experience you may have learned that what works for one person, sometimes doesn’t work for you. Scientific studies on nutrients are confusing because most conclude that while helpful to a certain percentage of people with a certain condition, they may not help or may even worsen the same condition in other people.
Why is there so much confusion and so many contradictions about what your diet needs to provide?
If you are reading this article, we might assume that you are a health conscious person, who already eats the best organic foods, exercises regularly, drinks plenty of fluids, gets sufficient rest, & take the finest supplements that money can buy. But still you don’t feel totally great and might feel worse without knowing why!
So, what is the answer?
The answer is to find out what is right for you!
Eating a meal that is right for your body type, should leave you feeling satisfied, energized, mentally alert and emotionally content. So, if you have any of these symptoms, you may have eaten an improper combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in your meal.
• You are physically full but still feel hungry
• You are craving sweets
• You feel sleepy & have an energy level dip
• You feel cranky, depressed, nervous, or irritable
The work of Dr Weston Price DDS, a Cleveland dentist, who has been called the “Charles Darwin” of Nutrition has been all but forgotten but the research he did and the principles he created are still very timely. Traveling the world in the early 1930’s, in his search for the causes of dental decay and physical degeneration he found that straight decay free teeth, & strong disease resistant bodies, were typical of local people eating their traditional foods. But once these people started eating the “impoverished foods of civilization” – sugar, white flour, pasteurized milk, and chemical filled processed foods, the results were crooked teeth, cavities & physical diseases, all based on nutritional deficiencies.
He found much variety in the healthy, happy people he studied. He found Swiss mountain villagers ate mostly unpasteurized butter & cheese and rye bread they had baked, while Gaelic people from the Outer Hebrides in Scotland ate no dairy but instead had fresh cod and other sea food but not much grain or vegetables due to an inhospitable climate. On the other hand, Eskimo ate a diet of 100% animal products & lots of fish, Blubber ( fat) and small amounts of nuts & berries. The Dinka people of the Sudan, whom Price said were the healthiest of all African tribes, ate mostly fish and fermented whole grains while the Bantu peoples who were the least healthiest were farmers who ate an almost vegetarian diet.
Dr Price saw several key similarities in all of these native diets. He noticed that most consumed fermented foods like cheese, fish, yogurt or grain drinks. He saw that even Swiss villagers made treks to the sea to find seafood, especially fish roe, seaweeds and shrimp. But his biggest finding was the fact that most native diets were rich in fat, mainly from animals, either from insects, eggs, fish or animals and that native people knew they needed fat to ward off sickness.

Paleo Dinner
Cut to the present day and we are still seeing the fact that foods “native” to what your ancestors ate are the key to your individual good health. As you can imagine, all of the foods that Price’s native peoples ate were natural and unprocessed. The foods they ate did not contain preservatives, additives, colorings, or added sugar. No white flour or canned foods & their milk products were not pasteurized, homogenized, or low fat. All foods were raised and grown on pesticide-free soil without growth hormones or antibiotics. So you see that your ancestors, always ate organic.
Read More:
Start off with: Dr Mercola’s Free Nutritional Typing Test
Dr Price’s Book:Nutrition and Physical Degeneration“>Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by Weston A. Price, Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation
The new Paleo Diet comes closest to this way of eating.
In the Paleo Diet they say ” We regulate the content of your diet, not the quantity, because your body has an amazing hormonal system that takes care of the caloric details for us already (and has been doing so for millenia before anyone even knew what a “calorie” was).”
In Dr Mercola’s new book, Take Control of Your Health he writes specifically for people who are confused about how much information is out there about health and what you should really believe. As the author of one of the best newsletters on creating optimal health, Dr Mercola writes about the healing power of food, finding your correct body type and much more.